Kelly and Heather
Before I started doing Neurofeedback, I tried numerous college classes at Valencia, but was never able to pass or complete one. I have always known of my trouble concentrating – by then it had become a part of me – but no one would listen when I thought I had ADD. I knew I had to solve and overcome this difficulty of mine if I ever wanted to be successful in college and therefore in other aspects of my life as well. This is where OEP came in to the picture and did my brain map, and I was blown away! It described me better and more accurately than I could.
There was no longer a question of why I couldn’t concentrate; my theta waves were off the charts high and my alpha waves low, a combination that makes it close to impossible to concentrate in a productive manner. I became a believer and started doing Neurofeedback sessions with Adrian twice a week, and let me tell you, it is amazing. As my brain waves started to cross, it was a rewarding relief… I found what the problem was, and now I am fixing it with great success.
You can imagine my excitement when I felt ready to try college again. Though weary, I could truly tell the difference in myself and in my life as my sessions with Adrian progressed. I am happy and proud to say, I got an A in biology and a C in English my first semester back! (Let me remind you, I couldn’t even pass a class before, not even with a D grade). The amount of help that my Neurofeedback sessions have provided are beyond fantastic and cannot be measured in words – other than, it works!
The following is what Heather’s mother Kelly had to say…
After years of being told by our family doctor that my daughter Heather did not have attention deficit disorder (ADD), we met Adrian who did a brain map on her. This brain map clearly showed Heather was severely ADD and helped us understand why an intelligent young woman struggled so much with school and other aspects of life. Since she has been doing Neurofeedback sessions with Adrian, I have seen several changes in Heather. She does not lose things like car keys, her phone, schoolwork, as much as she used to. She no longer gets lost every time she drives somewhere new, because I think she is paying better attention when she drives. She is paying more attention to details relating to school, work and getting better grades in college. Most important of all, I have seen her self-confidence increase since she is improving her ability to follow through and complete tasks she starts. She is thinking through things rather than just impulsively doing them.